Friday nights are always busy at work. Pretty much from the time that I walk into my work place, until the time that it is time for me to go home. I always find myself dragging into work, as I know many of us probably do when the weather is really nice for you to be outdoors. Today it was beautiful out, just the right temperature to be able to do a few things outside.
The boys got home from school and they are gathering wood with their Daddy. I am getting ready to go out the door to head for work. It takes a little over 30 minutes to drive to work from where I live. The ride can be tiresome, however being out in the country is always a plus for me. Away from the hustle and bustle of life. Being able to sit on the porch, drinking hot cocoa, and just spending time with nature and God, to me there is nothing more enjoyable then that.
I give everyone a hug and a kiss before I head out to work. Gabriel is setting the ladder against the House and this is the first year that we are actually going to put lights up on our home. Yes, our home that we are in the process of buying. Don't get me wrong, we have always tried to have the holiday spirit inside the home. Even have put lights up on the balcony when we were in apartment. However, never have had the opportunity to put lights outside our own home.
Gabriel was estatic about doing it. Spend hours doing the tedious work of unraveling lights, making sure that they all work, untangling the cords from them being bunched up over the last year, and now he is all set to put them outside around the house. And of course, before I pulled out of the driveway, I reminded him to be safe, to please make sure that the ladder is sturdy, don’t be crazy up on the roof, and of course, a nagging mother that I am, Gabriel kept assuring me that everything would be fine and to go to work.
I pull out of the yard onto the street, honk my horn one more time to tell everyone that I love them, and off I go. Yes, I may be a nagging mother, but in all honesty I am just a mother that worries about my children getting hurt. After all, what mother doesn’t worry about her children getting hurt. I glance one more time in the mirror and I see Gabriel begin up the ladder. I take a deep breath and pray that God will protect him while he is putting lights up on the house.
To be honest, I didn’t think anymore about it once I got into work. I became busy and didn’t even think about Gabriel up on that ladder putting lights up. Not once even on the way home did it cross my mind that the there would be lights on. In fact, to be really honest about the whole thing, I forgot about it altogether. The streets are quiet and the ride home was enjoyable. As always, putting on music, spending time with God on the way home and finally reaching my last stretch before I turn onto Unity Church Road and find a house lighting up the yard.
I slow down and tears well up in my eyes. I take a deep breath and realize that this is my house. I let out a little laugh as I realize that it probably isn't one that a lot of people would say, “Wow, what a house!” But, I drive slowly on the road, going into my driveway and I believe that this house, at this very moment, is the most beautifully decorated home in the world. That there isn't another home that could beat my home and there isn't another home on the face of this earth that could have me feeling the way that I do, at this very moment.
*My Thoughts For The Day*
The boys got home from school and they are gathering wood with their Daddy. I am getting ready to go out the door to head for work. It takes a little over 30 minutes to drive to work from where I live. The ride can be tiresome, however being out in the country is always a plus for me. Away from the hustle and bustle of life. Being able to sit on the porch, drinking hot cocoa, and just spending time with nature and God, to me there is nothing more enjoyable then that.
I give everyone a hug and a kiss before I head out to work. Gabriel is setting the ladder against the House and this is the first year that we are actually going to put lights up on our home. Yes, our home that we are in the process of buying. Don't get me wrong, we have always tried to have the holiday spirit inside the home. Even have put lights up on the balcony when we were in apartment. However, never have had the opportunity to put lights outside our own home.
Gabriel was estatic about doing it. Spend hours doing the tedious work of unraveling lights, making sure that they all work, untangling the cords from them being bunched up over the last year, and now he is all set to put them outside around the house. And of course, before I pulled out of the driveway, I reminded him to be safe, to please make sure that the ladder is sturdy, don’t be crazy up on the roof, and of course, a nagging mother that I am, Gabriel kept assuring me that everything would be fine and to go to work.
I pull out of the yard onto the street, honk my horn one more time to tell everyone that I love them, and off I go. Yes, I may be a nagging mother, but in all honesty I am just a mother that worries about my children getting hurt. After all, what mother doesn’t worry about her children getting hurt. I glance one more time in the mirror and I see Gabriel begin up the ladder. I take a deep breath and pray that God will protect him while he is putting lights up on the house.
To be honest, I didn’t think anymore about it once I got into work. I became busy and didn’t even think about Gabriel up on that ladder putting lights up. Not once even on the way home did it cross my mind that the there would be lights on. In fact, to be really honest about the whole thing, I forgot about it altogether. The streets are quiet and the ride home was enjoyable. As always, putting on music, spending time with God on the way home and finally reaching my last stretch before I turn onto Unity Church Road and find a house lighting up the yard.
I slow down and tears well up in my eyes. I take a deep breath and realize that this is my house. I let out a little laugh as I realize that it probably isn't one that a lot of people would say, “Wow, what a house!” But, I drive slowly on the road, going into my driveway and I believe that this house, at this very moment, is the most beautifully decorated home in the world. That there isn't another home that could beat my home and there isn't another home on the face of this earth that could have me feeling the way that I do, at this very moment.
*My Thoughts For The Day*