I want to give you a big shout out for coming to visit my site. I know that there are many blogs out there already. Therefore, it means a lot to me that you would spend you time in coming to visit mine.
My name is Theresa Olaes Noe and I am 46 years old. I want to share my life with you. I am not one that goes on my blog every day, every week, or even every month. However, I will try to do it as much as I possibly can.. especially when I have something that I want to share with you. In reality this isn't a blog.. it is what I call online journaling. It isn't a blog full of rainbows of how wonderful life is.. because many times.. life is full of storms.
I want to share my life my life with you. As it really is.. the ups and the downs.. the good and the bad.. my hopes and fears.. my successes and failures.. I want to share everything with you. Why would I want to do that? Because "I Am Human."
Here are some facts about me:
I got married when I was 19-years-old and on November 14, 2017 we celebrated our 25th Year of Marriage. Our Anniversary. We have 2 girls and 2 boys. Savannah was born September 4, 1992 (From what I understand she has gotten married and has 2 children. Savannah has decided that she does not want to be part of our family and has broke all contact with everyone). Katarina was born August 4, 1995. (She has 1 daughter, LakeLynn and is due with another child on July 23, 2018). Gabriel was born on April 8, 1997 (He has his own business of Landscaping and well known in our community). Elijah was born on September 10,1999. (He is traveling the United States).
I love my family and I believe that I have done the best that I can in raising my children. Yes, because I am human.. Most assuredly, as any other mother out here, I have made my fair of mistakes. However, I know that I did everything that I could for my family and wouldn't change anything in anyway whatsoever. I have no regrets and even though one of them have decided to disown the whole family, I still have no regrets. She alone and she alone has made her decisions and because she is an adult, I respect those decisions. With that being said.. I will always have my arms open wide, no questions asked, always waiting, and loving unconditionally for her to find her way home.
Welcome to "I Am Human." This is my life.. the way I see it threw my eyes. No right or wrongs.. just the way I see my life.. on this day.. at this moment.. in this second.
My name is Theresa Olaes Noe and I am 46 years old. I want to share my life with you. I am not one that goes on my blog every day, every week, or even every month. However, I will try to do it as much as I possibly can.. especially when I have something that I want to share with you. In reality this isn't a blog.. it is what I call online journaling. It isn't a blog full of rainbows of how wonderful life is.. because many times.. life is full of storms.
I want to share my life my life with you. As it really is.. the ups and the downs.. the good and the bad.. my hopes and fears.. my successes and failures.. I want to share everything with you. Why would I want to do that? Because "I Am Human."
Here are some facts about me:
I got married when I was 19-years-old and on November 14, 2017 we celebrated our 25th Year of Marriage. Our Anniversary. We have 2 girls and 2 boys. Savannah was born September 4, 1992 (From what I understand she has gotten married and has 2 children. Savannah has decided that she does not want to be part of our family and has broke all contact with everyone). Katarina was born August 4, 1995. (She has 1 daughter, LakeLynn and is due with another child on July 23, 2018). Gabriel was born on April 8, 1997 (He has his own business of Landscaping and well known in our community). Elijah was born on September 10,1999. (He is traveling the United States).
I love my family and I believe that I have done the best that I can in raising my children. Yes, because I am human.. Most assuredly, as any other mother out here, I have made my fair of mistakes. However, I know that I did everything that I could for my family and wouldn't change anything in anyway whatsoever. I have no regrets and even though one of them have decided to disown the whole family, I still have no regrets. She alone and she alone has made her decisions and because she is an adult, I respect those decisions. With that being said.. I will always have my arms open wide, no questions asked, always waiting, and loving unconditionally for her to find her way home.
Welcome to "I Am Human." This is my life.. the way I see it threw my eyes. No right or wrongs.. just the way I see my life.. on this day.. at this moment.. in this second.
"Believe in yourself and you will fly like an eagle. Reach for the stars, you will find the Milky way. Study hard; you will master your dream. Dream; it will give you hope. Laugh; it will bring you tears. Observe; you will learn. Listen; you will get knowledge. Speak; you will teach. Love; your heart will grow.Hug; you will make friends. Smile; you will uplift. Give advice; you will help grow. Reach for a hand and someone will take it." - By: Theresa Olaes Noe
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